Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Response: Presenting to Publishers

Presenting our final Meredith prototypes was exciting, yet a little nerve-wracking. I was much more confident with my redesign than my orignal Stir prototype,  but you never know what the people you are presenting to will think about it. I was really impressed with the others I saw as well. This initial presentation has helped me realize just how many ideas and elements you must think about before just beginning a new publication. Color palettes, typefaces, headline style, body type style- the choices are never-ending! I am excited to begin working as a team. I think everyone contributing their original ideas while following a (hopefully) impressive style guide will be exciting. I am expecting some challenges at times but I think that will make our publications more successful in the end. I only stayed for Stir's presentations but I was surprised at how many different angles were taken while designing prototype ideas. It's crazy how someone can be given the same mission statement and title as you but they take it a whole different direction. Even though I have awhile still, I am excited to see how our prototypes end up!

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