Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Critique: 10/5 Assignment

This week I'll be critiquing my first ten Vox Talk Ads from our 10/5 assignment. Unlike the majority of the class, I started mine on InDesign rather than sketching. This was due to the fact that my drawing skills are extremely limited. I am pleased with how my next 5 turned out, but am looking forward to your reactions in class today. There were a couple of ads that I kept the same, but others I tweaked quite a bit. The biggest challenge was the amount of text I needed to use in the ads. I struggled with how to fit it in an appealing manner. One of my choices used an illustration so I thought that was a nice change to my other typography designs,

Please note that the last one (right above here), if chosen, will be fixed with a better illustration. I have more realistic hands to trace and looking now I think I'd add more color. I'm looking forward to seeing everyones ads today!

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