Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You Can't Miss: Art Inspiration and "How to create the perfect design portfolio"

A. This week on the blog I follow, blogspoongraphics, Chris Spooner gave another list of art and design inspiration. Every so often he posts just about anything design related that inspires him. The collection added April 5th includes anything from typography illustrations to vector photos. They are fun to look at because the designs come from a variety of graphic designers. If one catches your eye I'm sure Spooner has a tutorial on the designing process for it somewhere in his archives on the blog. Here are some of the examples of the inspiration he posted.

B. As the semester comes to an end, (sorry to bring it up again) we are getting down to crunch time making our print and online portfolios. I thought this link would be helpful because it outlines how to create the perfect design portfolio. To see the whole tutorial click here. One thing that the print and online tutorial mentioned was to be selective. I'm glad we got to have a couple of class periods to go through and weed out the work in our portfolio. I think that will come in really handy when it comes to showcasing your best stuff. Another topic was the importance of online presence. It said that you can have an outstanding resume, but if you have nothing to show rather than tell, most employers won't contact you. Here are some examples of nice design portfolio content.

The article explained how brief descriptions and experience are nice additions to your portfolio, no matter how impressive the design. It will show you know what you're talking about and also give a brief background of experience.

1 comment:

  1. I really love the typography on the first photo you have posted. I really struggle with deciding type choices for designs a lot of the time, so this photo is a really great example of different types of font families being paired together, and great typography choices in general!
