Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Critique: Online Portfolios

I thought it'd be easier to write a critique rather than a response of my online portfolio, mainly because I know many changes need to be made. I had a rough outline finished for today's class. I think I am going to make adjustments on my type size and color palette. Right now, I just have a templated color palette, but I am going to try and mimic my mini portfolio with a mint green and white typeface. I am ready to see the finished product! That being said, I am going to need to work hard this weekend on my site. I had trouble at first deciding what page to put my design clips on.

After looking at a few other design portfolios, I think it might be necessary to include some thumbnails on my initial page. That way employers or colleagues can have easy access to my designs without having to navigate through my site too much. I also will be adding a pdf clip of my resume, so I can get into detail about past work experiences. Abby is going to take my picture so I can finally replace my spring break '12 photo that is currently all I have. Here are a couple of screen shots of what I have right now. Like I said, the flower photo will be replaced with yours truly. Be ready to see my final website next Tuesday! I will hopefully have my domain back by then. For now you can find my site at

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