Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Response: Meredith Presentations

Like I said in my critique, we had to show the publishers the first drafts of our Debut design Monday. I think once we straightened out many editorial concerns we are on the right track. I am ready to begin some more designs for our final prototype. The biggest challenge for us so far seems to be keeping things consistent throughout. With a team of many designers that can be difficult at times, but luckily we have a style guide to follow.

Finding photos has also been a struggle considering our stories like "take 5" and our decorating stories need pretty specific artwork. Today we got an email about leaving for Des Moines on the 10th at 4:45am. Woof. That really puts things in perspective and reality is setting in that pretty soon the finished product will be printed and (hopefully) designed just how we want it. Next week I will post some photos of the next couple of stories I am designing. (We just got the copy yesterday.) All of the publishers final copy will be done in the next couple of days so that will allow us to finish up everything.

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