Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Response: Mini Portfolios & branding myself

Today a Mizzou media employee spoke to our class about our mini portfolios we will make before the semester ends. I am really glad this is apart of our classwork because I think it will really help with my job hunting experience. Some of the designs I saw from my classmates really inspired me for future designs and revisions. For example, many of you had awesome detailed illustrations. I think those will really set designers apart form one another. Not only do illustrations show your attention to detail and skills on illustrator, but it also can portray your personality or "brand" in a way.

That is what I really want to focus on when I create my mini and online portfolio. I want people to remember me and remember my designs. Going through and revising my designs will be a task, but incredibly worth it. I really will need to focus on detail, perfecting styles and tweaking little things to perfect my designs.

I really liked the idea of a detailed resume option, as well as informative blurbs about the designs I've included in my portfolio. I am excited to get started on both projects.

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