Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Critique: "Raising Ryleigh" Cover

I really enjoyed working on this photo story, yet looking back now I would make many changes. I was very content with the photo I chose for the cover. I thought it was powerful and would make the readers intrigued and wanting to read the story. However, I should have taken into consideration that our Vox audience, who has not yet heard Ryleigh's story, may get the wrong idea. The photo of Ryleigh's legs and the hand, yet intimate, can sensationalize the story which I didn't necessarily wish to do. I think a different photograph, perhaps one of Ryleigh without graphic medical details, would have been more successful. As far as my font, I liked it's elegance. However, seeing it printed I would like to see it downsized. I plan on diligently revising this cover for my portfolio.

I am currently working on ideas for Vox's Spring Preview issue. I also will be brainstorming ideas for our 10/5 assignment, which will include designs for Vox Talk or the Vox calendar advertisements.

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